WooCommerce Products & WordPress Posts from APIs
Import data from your API & easily create custom posts or simple WooCommerce products within WordPress. Map your API data to custom fields, tags, categories, images and more.
Keep posts & products in sync with your API by setting the automatic sync interval from anywhere between 5 minutes and a week.
See it in action
Check out how easy it is to create WooCommerce products.

Import from API
Clicking the Run Importer button will manually call the API, process the data and then save the API data within your WordPress database, ready to map your fields and create posts, products or custom posts.
When the Sync Interval is set, the importer uses the WordPress cron system to run in the background at your chosen interval, keeping API data in sync.
Post Settings
Setup how you want your posts to be created. Select the Post Type from any of your registered post types, select the Post Status and select the Post Author from any of your registered authors.
The Import Type can be set as a Full Sync with your API or you can set it to simply update only existing posts or to create and update only. The Import Interval can either be set to No Automatic Sync or you can set an interval to automatically run the import post creation at your chosen interval such as every 30 minutes, every hour, once a day, once a week and so on.

Data Mapping
All of the API data can be mapped to WordPress fields such as custom fields, tags, categories, custom taxonomies, featured images, post content, post excerpt plus all standard WooCommerce fields if you are creating WooCommerce Products.
If some of your API data contains arrays, you can step down into these arrays to extract an individual value and assign this to a field.
Post & Product Creation
Create WooCommerce Simple Products, standard WordPress posts or any other custom post type from your API items. Perfect for drop shipping, real estate listings, car listings or any other type of products or listings.
Once the posts or products are created, they will simply follow the style of your existing theme.

Sync your API to WordPress custom posts or products
Products & Posts
Create WooCommerce simple products, posts or any other custom post type from your API data. Works with any registered post type.
Background Syncing
Set an interval to run automatic syncing of your API data to your posts or products. This keeps your posts/products in sync with your API.
Map Fields & Data
Map your API data to WordPress or WooCOmemrce fields, custom fields, title, images, categories, custom taxonomies & more.
Choose your plan
for the API to Posts Plugin
Easily cancel anytime from your account.
WPGetAPI is a free WordPress plugin available in the WordPress plugin repository.
The free version allows you to connect to any API easily from your WordPress website.
Premium extensions, like this API to Posts Plugin, add extra features and allow you to do more with your APIs.

Frequently Asked Questions
What types of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa and Mastercard payments through Stripe and PayPal.
Which currency is the pricing?
All of our pricing is in USD.
Do I still need the free version?
Yes, the free version is required when using any of our paid plugins. You can download it from the WordPress plugin directory.
Can I use on staging sites?
Yes, the licensing system allows you to use the plugins on your staging site, and this won't count to the number of licenses you have used. The licensing system will ignore staging, dev and localhost environments if your URL matches any of the following: localhost,,,, *.dev, .*local, staging.*
Will my plugin work if I cancel?
Your plugin will still work but you will not receive plugin updates or support for the premium plugin.
Do subscriptions auto renew?
Annual licenses auto renew each year but this can be changed to manual at any time from your account.
Do I have to pay extra for support?
No, you will never pay anything extra for support. All of our plugins include some of the best support you are likely to find anywhere.
Will you help me set up the plugin(s)?
Yes, we we are more than happy to help with the set up of our plugins. We can help you over emails or if you provide an admin login, we can log in and set things up in a flash.
I have been doing the WordPress thing for almost a decade, Brant and team at WPGETAPI raised the bar today. If you are pushing data to API’s this plugin, particularly the PRO version is 100% essential.
This was a breath of fresh air. Very straight forward, very helpful and no hidden fees! I can't say enough good stuff about this plugin and the support provided for the plugin.