Finance data displayed in table
Connecting to the MS Finance API to get a list of stocks that have had recent price increases. We have integrated the API data with wpDataTables to create this table.
This is done with the PRO Plugin and simply requires the click of a button and the API data is instantly connected to a dynamic HTML table.
Bitcoin Price Connecting to the Binance API. Cached for 30 seconds with PRO Plugin.
Live Bitcoin Price from Binance API
We are connecting to the Binance API to get the latest Bitcoin price and have formatted it in a box using some very simplg HTML and CSS.
Using CSS, this could literally be styled anyway you decide.
Displaying Quotes from Game of Thrones quotes API
Here we are connecting to the Game of Thrones quotes API to return a random quote and again we are simply formatting it using some HTML and CSS.
Qith some CSS magic, it can look however you decide.
Random Quote Connecting to the Game of Thrones quotes API. Cached for 30 seconds with PRO Plugin.
There is only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is here.
Display API Data as Chart
We are again connecting to the Binance API to get the high and low prices of Bitcoin over the last 2 days and then displaying this using the wpDataTables plugin.
Our PRO plugin can connect to a wpDataTable with the click of a button. The table can then easily be made into any type of chart you can imagine.
Send dynamic data to an API
Use the dropdown on the form to choose a cryptocurrency and this will be sent to the Binance API to retrieve the current price of that particular coin.
We're using Tokens to capture the coin you choose on the form and then send this to the API.
The form is built with Gravity Forms and is using AJAX to post the form.
Current Weather in London
Display Current Weather from API
Using WeatherAPI from RapidAPI, we are getting the current weather for London, UK. This API supplies all the data we need including the icons for sunny, cloudy etc. and we have simply styled it using HTML and CSS.
We are using the template tag method to get this data and display it.
Do more with the PRO Plugin
The PRO Plugin has been used in some of these examples to cache API calls and various other functions. The PRO Plugin has many other features to take your API integration to the next level.
View PRO Plugin